Marissa Andreou
Wielding a spatula in one hand, and pasta sauce intended for that nights dinner in the other, a two year old Marissa Andreou stood proud of her first painting of many. While my mother remained motionless, aghast at the art installation she discovered on her kitchen wall, I knew I fell in love. Where as I still find as much untainted joy in creating as that day, my passion for art grew exponentially. In search for what I wanted with my future, I knew I needed to feel the same unbridled happiness as in that moment. To call me an artist, or a painter, or any other singular title would be to describe an iceberg by only its tip. I soon discovered that whether through art, philanthropy, or simply a passing smile, I aspired to leave an everlasting mark in the peoples lives I encounter. As a University of Michigan graduate with a Bachelors of Fine Art and Graphic Design, a focus on pre-medical topics aids me to introduce scientific topics into my work. I aim to make a difference with my life, in any means possible.